Keys, Locks, Safety, and Security
I saw something suspicious or have another safety concern
If you witness any of the following, please contact the Police/Emergency Services first, via 999:
- You require an emergency response
- A crime is in progress
- Someone suspected of a crime is nearby
- There is a danger to someone's life
- Violence is being used or threatened
If you don't require an emergency response, you can call the Police non-emergency number on 101, but if you don't need to contact the police then please contact us.
My keys/fobs have been lost or stolen
If your keys are lost, then we need to replace the locks for your flat rather than simply provide you with a new copy. This is done out of safety concerns for both the property and you as occupants. In addition, there is a charge for the cost of the new lock, new keys, fob/remote, and labour applied- please refer to your individual Tenancy Agreement for further information.
Please contact us immediately to let us know.