Electricity and Lighting
A light bulb has gone out
Any consumables (light bulbs, batteries, vacuum cleaner bags etc.) are the responsibility of the tenant.
Most ceiling lights are LED which are GU10 light bulbs that can be purchased from many major supermarkets and online. If you are unsure about what type of light bulb to purchase, please contact us. If you need help with reaching the light fixture, please report it to us via a maintenance email.
There is no electricity in part/all of my home
If there is no power in the entirety of the flat, it may be a local power cut, the status of which can be checked via ENWL's website. The contact number for Electricity North West is 0800 195 4141
If the issue is only with part of your flat but more than 1 socket (e.g. none of the plug sockets work in the kitchen, but the main lights are still on), then it is likely an issue with tripped switches in your consumer unit/fuse box
Please locate your consumer unit and see if any of the switches are down, please flick back up any switches that you see down. Most consumer units (fuse box) are located in the main hallway on the wall, but please contact us if you are unsure
Please locate your consumer unit and see if any of the switches are down, please flick back up any switches that you see down. Most consumer units (fuse box) are located in the main hallway on the wall, but please contact us if you are unsure
If you experience any electrical emergencies (such as a loose live wire), please turn off all mains only if it is safe to do so, and contact us immediately. Please note emergencies are defined as instances where you or other tenants are in immediate danger, or damage is likely to be caused to the property